Majalah dan Terbitan Berkala
Art Asia Pacific Volume 3 Number 4 1996
Bombay Report by Komala Kapoor
Modernity and Beyond by Emmanuel Torres
Jump Start Art by Lee Weng Choy
Channels and Confluences by Laura Fan
Amidst Seas and skies by William McAloon
Copyrites by Henrietta Fourmile
Psychic Decolonisation by David clarke
Cultural Crossfire by Timothy morrell
gesture, Performance, Behaviour, Attitude by Kim levin
Between the Cracks by Julie Ewington
Flim-Flam and Fabrication by James B.Lee
Taxi Art in Thailand by Anne Kirker
Dung Heap by Victoria Lynn
The Knots Are Many But the Thread Is One by Deepak Ananth
The Burden of javanese Exotica by Enin Suprianto
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