This second volume of Brought to Light celebrates the late modern and contemporary Australian collection of the Queensland Art Gallery, and is being released as part of opening program for the Gall…
Pameran ini diselenggarakan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji kembali tahapan dari perjalanan seni rupa indonesia sekitar berdirinya Persatuan Ahli- ahli Gambar Indonesia atau Persagi.katalog pameran i…
Cross Currents by Julie Ewington Offshore Identity Crisis by Dinah Dysart Locating The Australian Imaginary by Dana Friis-Hansen The Art of Commerce by Valerie C. Doran Two Decades of Contempor…
a Moment in a Journey The 1993 Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art Reviewed by Julie Ewington, Nguyen Quan, Emmanuel Torres Floating in a Shallow Space by Wystan Curnow Images from a Denou…
Hong Kong Report by Oscar Ho Conference Report by Pamela Zepelin Founding a Critical Tradition by John Hoskin Eliding The Other by John Clark Archipelago Art by Julie Ewington The Eye Is The S…
Asian Modernities is a groundbreaking comparison of two contemporary Asian art cultures. This is the first analysis that defines a space for Asian modernity without direct reference to Euramerica. …
This book deals collectively with the history of modern art in Asia, based on papers from a conference on Modernism and Post-Modernism in Asian Art held at the Australian National University. The p…