Galeri Chandan co-hosted Riyad Al-Ilm (Garden of Knowledge) Art Charity Fundraiser Show, the purpose of which is to raise money to build libraries for the orphanages and underprivileged children.
Wahyudin - Taman, Pande Ketut - Sutawijaya, Putu - Adnyana, Wayan Kun - Gunarsa, Nyoman - Putra, Mangu - Prasetyo, Arif Bagus - Blanco, Antonio - Sumadiyasa, Made - Friend, Donald - Snel, Han - Lempad, I Gusti Nyoman - Murniasih, I Gusti Ayu Kadek - Handoko, Rudi Sri - Mangku, Made Mahendra - Duatmika, Made - Mokoh, Dewa Putu - Widmoser, Wolfgang - Cheong, Nee